Early Years

Early Years

Best Friends

Mavis was a really shy kid. She also grew up with a dad who was the top middle distance runner in the country. Mavis believed she had to live up to his standards and was always very cautious. One person who really helped Mavis grow up was her twin sister, Doreen. They did everything together and even pulled twin swaps for fun. Mavis and Doreen had a secret talent. This was a blessing and a curse because if one twin feels any pain the other twin will feel it too. The one positive thing from this was that Mavis always knew when Doreen didn’t feel good, and the other way around. Mavis and Doreen were best friends and faced everything with each other.

Health Issues

As a young girl Mavis struggled with many medical issues. One of her legs had been always slower than the other. She also suffered with major headaches. But, the most harsh medical issue of all was SVD. SVD is a condition that attacks your nervous system, which results in loss of muscle control as well as metal disturbances. Mavis had 3 total very unpleasant nervous breakdowns, each requiring 3 months of recovery. The worst part was that Mavis couldn’t help it because the proper medicine didn’t exist. So, the doctors would just try to keep her comfortable as she recovered. These breakdowns were so severe that she was unable to walk, talk, or even point her finger. “I had to relearn these skills. These experiences left me feeling very fragile - physically, spiritually and emotionally” - Mavis Hutchison ) On her third breakdown her spastic body motions got her head hooked around the leg of a dressing table. To save her life she couldn’t dislodge herself. “ My mother came into the room just in time to prevent me from choking myself to death.”- Mavis Hutchison ) Because of all her medical issues she was unable to finish highschool. ​​​​​​​