Run Across America

                             The Famous Run

Mavis has completed multiple races, but her most famous run would have to be her run across America. Mavis was the first woman to complete this and she completed it. She completed this race in 69 days, 2 hours, and 40 minutes. She has proved to everyone that just because she is a woman doesn’t mean she can’t do something. Mavis broke multiple gender barriers that have to do with running. The press released an article on Mavis wishing her good luck.


“She is now preparing herself for the greatest run of them all. The gigantic run across the continent of America. It will he the realization of what once seemed to be an impossible dream.” (press article) ​​​​​​​

Before the Run

Mavis spent many months preparing for the upcoming race. She packed over 2 dozen pairs of shoes to run the 2,871 miles. Mavis also ran this distance when she was 53 years old. This takes a lot of time and confidence to run across America especially at 53. When Mavis told people that she was going to run across America many people thought she was crazy, but when people said bad things about her she takes this and pushes herself even harder to prove to others that she can do anything.

The Famous Race

The run took place in 1978 starting at Los Angeles City Hall and ending at the New York City Hall. It took so many guts to run all the way across America. Mavis herself would run through 13 states, 4 time zones, and an average of 72 kilometers per day for 70 days. That was a total of 6 million footsteps in all. Before the race started Mavis felt nervous, but because of all the support of her family and coaches Mavis got rid of all that nervousness. The first day of running was a disaster, Mavis struggled with traffic and decided to end early that day. Because of what happened on the first day Mavis was now very strong and knew that she could do it. “There were times when I thought I could not run another step but would set my goal as the next crack in the road – and so I ran from crack to crack. The heavy trucks drawing trailers would lift me up as they passed and I would always land on my right leg. By the 33rd day I suffered a severe injury. I could not move and cried like a baby. But the next day I was back on the road again. I could not take painkillers as they would have masked any further injury taking place. It was very tough.” - Mavis Hutchison) She could have just given up, but then the people who told her she couldn’t do it we're right. Mavis couldn’t let them be right, so she continued pushing through. Eventually Mavis made it across America and was acknowledged by many different people. Today Mavis is an inspiration to multiple people and even at the age of 95, Mavis is still healthy and lives a good life. With every barrier she broke more and more people believed in her. 

In this picture Mavis Hutchison is taking a break from her run across America.